Sustainable cropland and forest management in priority agro-ecosystems of Myanmar (SLM-GEF)


Myanmar is challenged by high dependency on wood energy, high percentage of population in rural areas, low agricultural productivity and past decades of overharvesting in forests and unstainable land management.  Current land management regimes are fragmented and there is limited capacity to generate ecosystem-based approaches.  Rural Myanmar therefore faces serious land degradation, forest degradation and climate change threats.

In support of the national ambitions to pursue a climate smart development path and to address the challenges related to a more sustainable land use management and planning, Myanmar has embarked on a 5-year capacity building project (2016-2021).

Project overview

The project “Sustainable cropland and forest management in priority agro-ecosystems of Myanmar” (SLM-GEF) supports national efforts in dismantling the existing barriers that prevent broadly applying and upscaling best practices for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Sustainable Land Management (SLM).

The project will support the Government in its continued efforts to improve legislation and policies and strengthen CSA, SFM and SLM through building the national capacity at all levels including communities in order to promote a more sustainable and integrated management of forests and agricultural lands of Myanmar. The project identifies and develops best practices and models for CSA, SFM and SLM and pathways for upscaling and replication of appropriate practices.

SLM-GEF is jointly coordinated and implemented by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation (MoALI) with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Project objective

The overall project objective is to build the capacity of farming and forestry stakeholders to mitigate climate change and improve land condition by adopting climate smart agriculture (CSA) and sustainable forest management (SFM) policies and practices.

The project is structured into four interlinked components:



Component 1 Institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks strengthened to support SLM, CSA and SFM
Sub-component 1. A. Comprehensive program to enable regulatory / institutional framework assessment, strengthening and capacity building
Sub-component 1. B. Program for improved land use management and planning to inform institutional and regulatory improvements
Component 2 Models for CSA practices demonstrated and enhancing carbon storage in three priority agro-ecosystems
Sub-component 2. A. Program for CSA support services
Sub-component 2. B. Program for farmer CSA capacity building
Component 3 Models for SFM practices demonstrated and enhancing carbon storage in three priority agro-ecosystems
Sub-component 3. A. Program for improved forest planning
Sub-component 3. B. Program for community-based forest conservation
Component 4 SLM, SFM and CSA knowledge management, training and practices scaling up nationally
Sub-component 4. A. Support program for up-scaling SFM practices
Sub-component 4. B. Support program for up-scaling CSA practices

Project area

The project works at national level, sub national level and community level. The project will have a solid field component consisting of Farmer Field Schools and Community Based Forestry activities. The field activities will build capacities of farmers and communities and identify best practices for upscaling in three agro-ecological zones facing different challenges and opportunities:

In the Delta, the primary focus for the capacity building is on climate smart paddy farming, alternative crops, water management and mangrove protection.

In the Central Dry Zone, focus is on reforestation and afforestation, water saving agricultural techniques, agroforestry and annual crops.

In Chin State, focus is on community based forest management, shifting cultivation and addressing the forest and cropland components through complementary strategies.

Project details

FAO Project code: GCP/MYA/017/GFF

From: 01/07/2016
30/06/2021 (no cost extension scheduled)

Geographic Area: Myanmar