The National CSA Center was jointly opened by His Excellency Dr. Aung Thu, The Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and Ms. Xiaojie Fan, FAO Representative in Myanmar on 17th August 2018.
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), a key component of the SLM GEF project from FAO, has been involved in establishing CSA support program within key institutions, demonstrating CSA practices mainly through FFS and enhancing carbon storage in three priority agro-ecosystems in Myanmar. One of the key activities under the CSA Component of the project is to support establishing a CSA Center in Myanmar. Based on the agreement with the concerned Ministries and other stakeholders, a National CSA Center has been established at Yezin Agriculture University (YAU). The CSA Center will act as the national CSA knowledge repository and catalyst and is a focal point for the advancement of knowledge, monitoring of impacts, and adoption of CSA/SLM practices.
In order to operationalize the CSA Center effectively in a sustainable manner, a National CSA Technical Support Group (TSG) has been formed chaired by YAU. This working group represents a national cohort of Myanmar’s best experts associated with CSA/SLM approaches including representation from YAU, Department of Agriculture (DoA), Department of Agriculture Research (DAR), Department of Planning (DoP), Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics (DALMS), Forest Department (FD), and FAO. The main objective of the TSG is to coordinate among the relevant stakeholders, make strategic decisions and guide effective operationalization of the CSA Center.

Our Goal
A center to lead CSA initiatives and to build capacities of concerned Government personnel and other stakeholders on CSA as an effective tool for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Myanmar.
Our Mission
Lead the development, dissemination and utilization of gender sensitive, inclusive climate-smart agriculture systems and technologies for different agro-ecological zones of Myanmar.
Our Objective
- To coordinate development and packaging of best practices for CSA systems, information and technologies
- To demonstrate and disseminate knowledge on CSA and sustainable land management (SLM) technologies and practices,
- To conduct advocacy activities related to CSA/SLM and climate change in coordination with appropriate organizations (DoA, DAR, YAU and other relevant organizations).
Our Vision
A center to lead CSA initiatives and to build capacities of concerned Government personnel and other stakeholders on CSA as an effective tool for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Myanmar.
Facebook page
CSA Center

CSA Library
Over 300 CSA books in this library

CSA Workshop
The annual CSA workshop is conducted and launch the new papers.

Demonstration Plots
To measure Methane gas depend on different types of paddy and water supply arrangement.
Contact information
The rector ex office,
Yazin Agriculture University, Nay Pyi Taw.