Adapted from a PLUP model used in the Food Security Project in Lao PDR, Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP) is used as a mechanism to catalyse on-the-ground adoption of SLM, CSA and SFM models in the pilot sites of the SLM project.
- To build the capacity of the township level staff to facilitate rural development planning
- Create opportunities for the villagers to express their needs and to propose the development
- activities adapted to their real situation, empower villagers in becoming informed
- negotiators in planning processes
- Set-up clear boundaries for village tracts to avoid village conflicts in the future
- Decide on conservation, production and protection forests with the villagers and set up
- village regulations
- Discussing land tenure rights (GAD, DALMS and FD). Yet, PLUP demonstration is in progress in 5 villages in Central Dry Zone and one village in Chin State.
Steps involved in PLUP
- Village meeting and formation of Village land management committee
- Socioeconomic data collection
- Building a 3D model map of the village/interpretation of satellite imagery of the village
- Village tract boundary delineation and GPS points
- Participatory land zoning
- Village land management rules and PLUP agreement
- Presentation of PLUP results to the whole village