The Project was officially launched in July 2016 and has since been subject to an inception phase and the early stages of implementation.  During the first half of 2017 the project’s managerial structures and work plan have been revised following the findings of the component-wise needs assessments and a series of consultations made with the concerned Government Departments and other relevant stakeholders.

A validation workshop was organised jointly by FD, DoA and FAO on 20 June 2017 in Hotel Royal Ace, Nay Pyi Taw with the representatives from the project’s primary stakeholders to validate the revised work-plan and managerial structures and provide additional advice for the road ahead.

Objectives of the validation workshop:

  • Convene representatives of the project’s primary stakeholders to present the component-wise revised work plans and associated responsibilities, timelines and budgets;
  • Provide comments and advise on the first-year work plan, responsibilities, timelines, and budgets;
  • Follow up on the topics from the Inception Workshop (Dec. 2016) related to:
  • Involving Local Stakeholder Committees in project work, and
  • Involving Technical Expert Group in project work


A total of 89 participants (66 and 23 females) representing various organizations attended the workshop as per the following details.

 Organizations Number of participants
Male Female Total
FD 25 4 29
DOA 8 8 16
GAD 5 0 5
DALMS 11 0 11
YAU 0 2 2
DOP 3 0 3
DZGD 2 0 2
DAR 1 1 2
FAO 5 5 10
Total 66 23 89